Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, just about all aspects of life have been altered. Dentistry wasn’t left out of that alteration. We began the pandemic by postponing routine dental care, but still were able to provide emergent and urgent dental care. This decision was made to be safe as we learned more about this new virus. It was also a way to preserve personal protective equipment so we can safely provide patient care.
However, as the pandemic continued, the American Dental Association (ADA) modified guidance for dental care. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, recommendations are available for dental care.
What are the recommendations?
The ADA recommends everyone resume and continue to attend regular dental visits to maintain optimal oral health. Everyone should ensure their dental care continues. Some of the recommendations include:
- Screening dental patients for COVID-19 symptoms before appointments.
- Checking the temperature of patients before starting procedures.
If you are feeling unwell with possible COVID-19 symptoms of cough, fever and shortness of breath, it is important that you cancel your appointment. There is also the optional for a virtual dental appointment if needed.
Additionally, it is important to limit who you bring into a dental appointment. For a child, one parent or guardian may be permitted at a time. In some instances, you may be asked to wait in the car and call upon arrival for enhanced physical distancing in the waiting room and dental clinic.
What we have done
We continue to go above and beyond to ensure the safety of our patients and staff. For example, we have enhanced cleaning protocols that we continue to follow. That includes frequent disinfecting of high-touch surfaces in high-volume areas, such as the front door and handles.
Magazines and other shared items in the waiting room have been removed to minimize what people touch. We also require everyone entering the office to wear a face mask while in the office. The face mask can be removed once sitting in the dental chair because our dental health care personnel will be wearing face shields and a surgical mask.
Following routine, preventative dentistry while also practicing good oral hygiene can keep you healthy. This is especially imperative during a pandemic. We look forward to providing you the care you need and deserve even during a pandemic.