We understand that oral cancer is scary–so are all cancers. While it might be difficult to imagine, we need to make sure we are all properly educated on oral cancer. It has been shown that oral cancers have a five-year survival rate that is as low as 60 percent. That is scary to think about, but it is important to protect yourself by getting checked today.
To help, Dr. Sara has put together some of the top reasons why you should add an oral cancer screening to your wellness checklist.
It’s easy. Asking your dentist to check for signs of oral cancer during your next visit is super easy. Just ask! It can save your life, so don’t be afraid to speak up and ask your dentist for this examination or if you have any questions. By asking for a screening, you can boost your chances of survival by at least 20 percent when the disease is caught early.
It’s inexpensive. When you incorporate an oral cancer exam into your regular dental visit, there is no extra charge! The only added expense comes if any follow-up procedures are needed. And if that is the case, at least you staying proactive and ensuring your health is taken care of. These follow-up visits will help.
It’s better to be safe. You might feel anxious or nervous to ask, but you shouldn’t. While asking is easy, it is also better to be safe than not. Even if you don’t have oral cancer, isn’t it better to know for sure? We think so.
Contact Dr. Sara at Pinnacle Peak Family Dentistry in North Scottsdale today to schedule your next dental appointment and ask for an oral cancer screening. Your health and well-being is important, so speak up and be proactive in ensuring you receive optimal care.