Did you know Dr. Sara also offers treatment for jaw pain, also known as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder (TMD)? She does! If you suspect you might be experiencing TMD or some subjset of jaw pain, the first step in treatment is to receive a proper examination and diagnosis from Dr. Sara in North Scottsdale. Once you receive a proper diagnosis, the next step is treatment planning because there is a different treatment option for everyone.
TMD severity will vary from person to person, which means there are a variety of options for you to choose from that will best suit your needs. Let’s take a look at a few common treatment plans for TMD, starting with Oral Appliance Therapy:
Oral Appliance Therapy
Oral appliance therapy is a very helpful and successful technique in treating Temporomandibular joint dysfunction. These devices are extremely popular among TMD patients due to the simplicity and comfort of the appliance. People describe the appliance as being similar to a retainer for orthodontic treatments.
These appliances are made to fit your mouth and your mouth only, completely unique! Some of these devices are meant to move the lower jaw forward, while others simply prevent the tongue from falling backward which in turn would block the airway. These appliances are the most effective treatment in preventing and/or controlling sleep apnea related disorders.
TMD Splints
Another popular option for TMD treatment is a splint. Splints are put in place and prevent the upper and lower teeth from touching. These are typically worn at night to avoid any teeth clenching or grinding which would result in pain the next morning. Wearing these splints will enable your jaw muscles and joints to relax and heal, relieving you from any pain.
Medication Options
For less severe cases, over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs would work just as well. The most typical medicine prescribed for TMD is muscle relaxants due to their ability to help loosen tight muscles. This is especially popular for those who grind or clench their teeth. With any situation, it is important to speak with your doctor about which direction is best for you.
So, what’s next? After reviewing the available options for your TMD treatment plan in North Scottsdale, Dr. Sara will help you pick a path that best meets your individual needs. With a treatment planned out, you will be on the road to living a pain free, happy life again.